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Why You Should Vote

We cannot express enough the importance of your vote because the election will be decided by a simple majority of eligible employees whose votes have been cast. If an employee does not vote, someone else’s vote will decide for them. Staff employees whose positions are included in the bargaining unit are eligible voters and should vote.

Whether or not you vote, you will be bound by the results of the election.

Make an Informed Decision

We respect your democratic right to vote and to decide if you would like to be represented by the United Steelworkers. Because unionization would impose a new legal and contractual framework, we encourage you to be fully informed before voting on the unionization question. We recommend you review this website for additional information and details.  

Specifically, we encourage you to carefully review the frequently asked questions, which include information regarding the general description of a union, the election process, your critical role in the voting process, the possible costs of union membership and collective bargaining.

We Will Support You Regardless of Your Choice    

No matter the election outcome, the University remains committed to maintaining an environment where all staff can thrive professionally. Please be assured the University will always support you.

We truly appreciate your thoughtful consideration of this process. We will continue to provide information and updates about issues, including the election results.